What is Metamodernity?

November 03, 2022 01:06:41
What is Metamodernity?
Nordic Metamodern
What is Metamodernity?

Nov 03 2022 | 01:06:41


Show Notes

Metamodernism or metamodernity?
What are they and what is the difference?

Meet Robin van den Akker who was one of the first cultural theorists to explore metamodernism and who started a wave of new thinking regarding the times we are in. https://www.eur.nl/en/euc/dr-robin-van-den-akker
Meet Rune Rasmussen who revives animism as a cultural path towards a sustainable future. https://nordicanimism.com/
And meet Lene Rachel Andersen who has turned metamodernism into metamodernity, which brings together the prehistoric indigenous, the traditional, modernity, and postmodernism. https://www.nordicbildung.org/about/

Episode as podcast: https://www.nordicbildung.org/podcast/what-is-metamodernity/
Nordic Metamodern: https://www.nordicbildung.org/nordic-metamodern/

#JoinMetamodernity here: https://network.globalbildung.net/
Read more here: https://www.globalbildung.net/

Nordic Metamodern is a video and podcast series by Nordic Bildung: https://nordicbildung.org/

Music by Vansire: https://www.vansiretheband.com/

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